Tuesday, August 2, 2011

War vet honored for more than 30 years of patronage

Jack Young, a Korean War veteran, has been a member at Mountain America Credit Union for over 30 years. Young is also a Korean War veteran. The credit union's Riverton branch honored Young on April 29 for his patronage at the credit union. Janice Young, Jack's wife, was also pleased with the recognition.
"This is fabulous, I didn't have a clue at to what this was all about," Young said of the recognition. It was a surprise to only him as his family had been called about the recognition and most of them were in attendance.
Young retired from the military in 1989 and has been active in the community his whole life. His military service has been an example to the rest of his family. Young has several children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who are also serving in various factions of the military.
Young was granted a key to the city of Riverton as well as given a commemorative Korean War coin by the bank as part of his recognition. The key was presented by Maria Cosby, the mayor's executive assistant. Young was given this honor due to his dedication to the city and his service in the Korean War.
Pennie Rich, the Riverton branch manager, is starting this membership appreciation as a new tradition at the branch. Young is the first of these recipients. Rich is trying to do appreciation events at least once a quarter.
"He is a very dedicated member and always supporting us with everything," Rich said. Rich admires Young for what he has accomplished in his life and feels that this recognition is very appropriate for him to receive.
Tiffany Norton, a financial service representative, recommended Young as the first recipient.
"He came in with that hat that said he was a war vet and we just got to talking," Norton said.

By Alisha Tondro for The South Valley Journal
Published in June 2011 in Riverton, Utah


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