Thursday, January 20, 2011

Paintball club aims for fun, safety

For those who want to play an advancing sport but have nowhere to go, the University of Maine Paintball club has an open door. The club became a recognized organization at UMaine in 2004. The club was started in 2003 “by a bunch of guys who were into the sport and thought a club would be a good idea and wanted a team to compete with other schools,” said Bill Mitchell of Public Safety and the club’s adviser.
James Hebert, the club’s president, said, “We do not necessarily have a mission statement, but the main focus of the club has always been to have fun and to practice safe and lawful use of paintball and develop teambuilding skills.”
According to the bylaws set forth by the club, this organization was formed in the interest of providing a safe and friendly environment for those involved in the sport of paintball here at UMaine.
Although the club does not have an organized team, they have their own playing field provided by UMaine on the College Avenue Extension. The club also encourages its members to be active and form their own teams. They primarily play at Adventure Sports in Dover-Foxcroft, or on their own in the university forest.
Mitchell said, “We are working on getting a club team together, as well as some tournaments this fall.” Last spring the club held a tournament with the Army ROTC at UMaine.
The club was formerly called Maine Paint but was changed to UMaine Paintball last year. As Maine Paint, the club participated in Maine Day last spring. The Army ROTC also helped. Together they provided net and bunkers, markers, CO2, and masks.
“We are also looking at getting more women involved with the sport,” Mitchell said. Currently there are only two women involved with the club.
Hebert said, “If you enjoy active and invigorating sports, then our club is the best way to do it.” Even though the club is mainly active during the fall and spring, they always hold meetings. “And there are a few die-hards that brave the weather during the winter,” Hebert said.
“The club provides an organized atmosphere to maximize the fun and experience of paintball,” said Hebert.
Currently the club is comprised of about 25 members. Dues are $10 annually and meetings are held every Thursday night in the Union. Announcements for these meetings are posted on the FirstClass conference folder.
Students interested in joining the Paintball club should contact Hebert on FirstClass.

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