Thursday, January 20, 2011

Police beat

Public urination warning
At 1:40 a.m. on April 20, an officer watching the Bear Brew Pub observed two males stop between two vehicles and start urinating. One male was identified as Ryan Kelley, 24. Kelley was issued a warning for urinating in public.

Washburn vandals
At 9 a.m. on April 21, police were notified of vandalism at the Washburn Apartments. When an officer arrived, two cars had shattered windshields. On the hood of each car was a broken iced tea bottle. The police are still investigating and looking for suspects.

Fake ID at Margaritas
On April 13, an officer was dispatched to Margaritas for a false ID report. The waitress had taken the ID from a female. The picture on the card didn’t match the female who had presented it. The card was flimsy and looked like it had been altered. The subject was identified as Brittany Bowen, 20. Bowen admitted to presenting the card for an alcohol purchase. Bowen stated that a friend had found the card and had given it to her. Bowen was summonsed for possession of a false identification card, and the card was confiscated.

Alcohol abuse
At 1:47 a.m. on April 14, an officer on routine patrol observed two males walking and drinking. The officer approached the men and one threw his bottle down and stopped. The other man continued walking. The man who had thrown down the bottle was identified as James McCarthy, 20. The officer asked if he had been drinking and McCarthy said no. When the officer said that he had observed him tossing down the bottle, McCarthy retrieved it. The officer made him dump the remaining alcohol. McCarthy was summonsed for illegal possession of liquor by a minor.

The police watch Thriftway
At 10:08 p.m. on April 14, an officer was parked across the street from Thriftway. The officer observed a vehicle entering the parking lot with a female driver. The driver had a youthful appearance so the officer watched the vehicle. The passenger got out of the vehicle, went inside Thriftway and made a purchase of what was later identified as beer. The passenger started to get back into the vehicle, then got out and put the alcohol into the trunk. When the vehicle left the parking lot, the officer pulled the vehicle over. The driver was identified as Dayna Somers, 19. Somers identified herself and when asked if she knew that transportation of alcohol by a minor is against the law, she said she was aware of it. Somers was issued a summons for illegal transportation of liquor by a minor and the alcohol was confiscated.

Don’t run from the police
At 9:30 p.m. on April 18, police received a report of people punching holes in the walls at Orchard Trails Building 8. As the officer arrived to investigate, he passed a small group of males. When the officer looked in his rearview mirror, he noticed that the group had started to run away. The officer stopped one young man and identified him as Victor Doyle, 20. As the officer checked for warrants, he determined that Doyle was intoxicated. Doyle denied having had anything to drink and claimed that friends had spilled the beer on him. When the officer asked why Doyle had started to run away, he replied that someone had yelled run, so he did. Doyle was summonsed for illegal possession of liquor by a minor.

Orchard Trails residents hit with nine noise complaints
Michael Conrad, 21, was issued a disorderly conduct warning on April 7 at 1:56 a.m. for a noise complaint at Orchard Trails Building 6.
Kari Boffa, 19, was issued a disorderly conduct warning on April 7 at 9:32 p.m. for a noise complaint at Orchard Trails Building 9.
Sean Parker, 20, was issued a disorderly conduct warning on April 8 at 11:30 p.m. for a noise complaint at Orchard Trails Building 6.
Jocelyn Bouffard, 20, Lindsey Lefebvre, 20, and Danielle Ahern, 19, were issued disorderly conduct warnings and were told that if the police had to return they would be arrested. This was for a noise complaint at Orchard Trails Building 11.
Kyle Libby, 20, was issued a disorderly conduct warning on April 13 at 11:30 p.m. for a noise complaint at Orchard Trails Building 3.
Jason Mallet, 22, was issued a disorderly conduct warning on April 18 at 10:07 p.m. for a noise complaint at Orchard Trails Building 8.
David Sacks, 20, Michael Conrad, 21, and Joshua Vile, 21, were issued disorderly conduct warnings on April 19 at 10:23 p.m. for a noise complaint at Orchard Trails.
Kelly Difrederico, 20, was issued a disorderly conduct warning on April 20 at 10 p.m. for a noise complaint at Orchard Trails Building 3.
Kelly McGuirl, 27, was issued a disorderly conduct warning on April 21, for a noise complaint at Orchard Trails Building 3.

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